Q BS, p % p n £ h p P n p p rP GMILUTH CHASODIM STANDS ABOVE CHARITY € ? < - < » > ^ tncn jrrajTOD r* P p £ J P p p P P n r RECEIVE ALL MEN WITH A CHEERFUL COUNTENANCE »< *
“pTjr Vk nDKi iDn 1 H These Pages Are From The BOOK OF REMINISCENCES Of The HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOIO~N -1 2 1921-1940
HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSN. OF SAN ANTONIO Annual Meeting & Election Of Officers January 12, 1925 7 ** - , /~i - - T > 3 / to. (^7^-r ,' s /^' Kn fs 7^7 7 A1 r rz -— _ pZ^rZ^ZLX: * \ ( / ..yC .yj~J f, - ----------------7Z~7ZZZZ<A~A /" <c7~, - / - / <s?. /V*u^$i 11H * '' " " v-^? :i '1 l,i.^ i^ 1 — ✓ x—— *jv' (. IA | v,>> »-X . /t-*-^#<— '/T,?W;i ^ 1^ ’ ,.- - / / 3. , t..f" — Q. "s' ' V - ^,, ^C‘\0"<S•^ _ _>17j — _Vf <7T—-«- — ■ «r. x —Zx C2<-’' ■><-••—' Tu, ^ZZ~- <2- 7 6 A' 3 C /-' /-^ JZ^C 0*U - 7stAK-.*.* ^7^>—C »«■ « A^yt- "76-, 7u~~. ^ e.i / / .■/-y_ ~o. --yrrr J<-
‘p t y V k nfoxi "ion BORN OCTOBER THE THIRD 1855 STATE OF GRODNE RUSSIA 1D 8 / 8D n m DIED DECEMBER THE Twenty-Sixth 1927 IN San Antonio Texas THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF NO GREATER ACT OF REAL GMILUS CHESED AND FINER DEED COULD HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED BY THOSE FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF RABBI S. SO LO M O N THAN THE DEDICATION OF THIS PAGE IN HIS MEMORY AND THE INSCRIPTION OF HIS NAME ON THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK of REMINISCENCES 'v n V* * * 0 * v T T-YT^*T"yy * T t ^ M H 1 MAY S OLOMON' S WISDOM BE MULTIPLIED Our sages said, "No one is accompanied to his resting place by gold and silver cr by precious stones but by Toroh, wistom and by acts of good deeds." Truly, "Torah, knowledge and good deeds" accompanied Rabbi Solomon when he departed from this earthly life. His knowledge of the Bible and the Talmud, their interpretations and translations, were deeply engraved in his heart and mind. Words of wisdom flowed from his lips, and those who heard him speak the word of God, enjoyed it greatly. Rabbi Solomon was not only a Shochet, Mohel and teacher, but also a leader of the San Antonio Jewish Community for three decades. He was humble in his ways and friendly to all, his doors were always open to the needy and the stranger, for he truly observed the Command of "Hachnosas Orchim," and received all men with a pleasant countenance. Rabbi Solomon gave charity both openly and secretly to the poor and needy. For eighteen years Rabbi Solomon was the Rabbi of the old Agudas Achim Congregation, and for eight years Rabbi of the Rodfei Sholom B'nai Israel Congregation. A pioneer of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, he was, in all, a great Prince in Israel. May his memory be blessed, and may his soul enjoy eternal l ife . ♦ no» rrai aim -83 onyp ,DHDn m?’B3 man pa "pnatn naD„ px ip yonyyii oyn pa any pnat? yu i 'vy : h jyvnip px jyant? ?y’B Dixat? nytaix px fypyj rx d* p ,pn px amt? pan pan can .nuintra nya anaian am nr,n ,ima dp ny jynnx’ xpnynx pm jynipw rx jdpd 'an — ?"t ]a?D na?tr n"io d’d onw x pap x jKonyjjp x pynntp yup y:”t px nyem’x nyrvnxn nymyt? x ,Duan nynaxPDin pa nipap naip pya ,nipyoa nptria x ?moi rrya xmp pya ,npan ?ya dixdb’ px npnp yem’x n tyauymx an’x axn ,du3 mini anxn px ny .r'tyi 3" it? ’an x nxa ,DXDpya ,yaxp’Dnxp 'jjtfp ’n taxn ,Dpyr nnx’ x nuaa ypytar nyn nux lynyaatst ,on’x lyauymv x’Jxdjx ?kd DnxDt? nytatx pa omx mux ;At> nnx’ x ypyac? nyn *iux jynyj ,y"m a"it? pan x nxa an’x |yaxn ypx pynnaix nnyr on’x pa jynyj px |yo p ’pDiynx px I ’pay’p Dpynaxnya jyaypx axn ,axnyj ayp p”DJ” x ,niav ’ansa PDiy |x jynya ppn yapa’p yatpp d’d amnix ypx ,nmx Duao x ,npnvat? onan y?x px jyouyj h tuynypy: poa px Dm maaa tyouymx ny oxn auamo omx tx am x ,ns?m -p-n ”t jyiiya -pnno ,nynrp yem’x axn jya tx ,a:xoyj du ?nxo P'P ny axn aopiyj nxn x px x"x ujxp px jynyj ny px nrv 'Zt> .du tv ,onnxvxa du oaypyj ,imo dp ny ,Di?t? ’ann ujxp px Dpyt nnx’ -nxa |yuya du tyatna d’d px jyay? pn pa ayn n ,-pn -|”?a x duxw ,1’pnyna anayot? jynya ny px ixn nxa ,D”t in ny dxh ptx ,npnan Dy aniya x ,?t?a jyppp x ,onxu j’xyan ixa nyopy px tyanxDt?ya pnio dp ny ,Dnn’aya -nyn ,D’nsDn oaxaya pamy ’trax ?a i? tt?y pnna maa pinx1 oxn pynytt jyDyanxa du pxt oxn rx ,omat? ypn dp”v jynyp lyantrnxa ?xt lynx^ nyou pn tx oannxa nt?a ny nma mat m’ ."pnatn naD„ px Iisn^npa trnpn maws Vnri mn s"itsn f"tr * ’an nt?:n i^ya nx xuxdjx txD moat? 5y xiw n:t? D’t?5ty ,nnnn pnatn naoa am pnat? ma? tru fi’yioi aio nan ?a^ D’anxa iyat? D’an ib>dj 5>aytt D’nnn nt?”i rnjoi t t i S D’aaian pa nanno mn inot?3 D’niyji ouptj mt?y nanH November 14th, 1938 n " a * :n A3 APBtl ITi ’1 UP San Antonio, Texas
riDKi non 4* Slfta 3b Brdiratrii Un Honor (0f Abraham attb Shaine 2 Ca m r a 0 0 ®betr ^Ericnb M e rm a n Z em an sk t MR. ABRAHAM KAMRASS ><=> oczz> ocd ocz)o<=>o<zzz>ocz>oei *Ji~TXTT-------- T T -------T T ------ - T - g ------ - I T”------—? TT------na tc ia t± TTTP’ -a~ET------ ! dtojw onD"n.ornaa nona PJ'l riDs; inn -a ■s-g:•-------a g--------^ ^ -----------------------------------------------------a fc- — £ lynrKs lytsKtr pc .ytpnBnx ipm x pm ?*yr*e» "t “jyrtsayD ^ b jjtsia ’ll earns ya^r e-p-ia px pytr asy pk axil bps lyn evnsyp a^n ama« in asjXTsnya axn i‘ On this page of the Book of Reminiscences is briefly inscribed the history of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham II. Kamra. s, and of their good deeds and contributions towards the welfare of our Jewish Community. Mr. AERAIIAM KAMRASS came to San Antonio almost two decades ago, and established himself here. Though he worked hard to support his family and build up his business, he found enough time to take a hand in community life. In 1924, realizing the necessity of a Hebrew Free Loan in our Jewish Community, Mr. Kam- rass immediately called upon a few of his friends, convincing them of the need of such an organization. Difficult was that task, and he encountered many obstacles on his way. Some charitable institutions were against his idea and tried to discourage him, but his heart felt the great need of such an organization as the Gmilus Chasodjm; and through his efforts and ceaseless work, Mr. KAMRASS succeeded in organizing the Hebrew Free Loan. Only a handful of men joined him in his undertaking and within a short time 70 members joined. Mr. KAMRASS devoted a great deal of his time toward that good ■cause and under his leadership as President for 12 years the H. F. L. increased in membership and became known as the most outstanding organization in our Jewish Community. As honorary president now, he still attends meetings and keeps up the spirit to do and help. Mr. KAMRASS was also president of the Rodfe Sholom Congregation for 5 years and carried out his plans and fulfilled his duties successfully. He organized a Hebrew School and worked for the good cause earnestly. He also saw the necessity of beautifying the Cemetery and fixing in all things needed there. Mrs KAMRASS has helped him in every way and patiently carried the burden of bringing up their children in a Jewish spirit. Mr. and Mrs. KAMRASS truly deserve that their names and good deeds should be inscribed in the Safer Hazicoron to which they contributed morally and materially. ?a/ni? lyaany ayn aaxay:i axn lyri esjK?2*iK Bbps fyjpaaxiB ayn exp nyn ari^a px ly aapan inx^ is nnx' ps axil .BSJH75 ay ytx ar'r ay asms yam yrv -R3 onyn ,DHDn ntf'oj man pc "pnatn nBD„p« tyti'Djyo tyonyyn Din pa iraa’trw n tyxnip pt< jyantr pa ptt D'nayp f>"i an spy n"a c^n cmas 'no ^ri Dy pnaP ,yrTKD 'nna mo ’re yo^yyis pn jyou ny”? d’d D’tyyo you yny”? jynyp iPBWnxa ou .n?n^ produr RURDJR JRD PR DXy?R3 1’?DRH D'ncyp n"S .10 o>jtn ny .pmv iynnR’?ys d’d y^’DRD pR una pn d’d ,153 y u ’o tyayf* lya’f-ojynR jr oaRoyj pr oyanRyj nyiu? dri ny .max ’anxa etf’n ix pn inyryj d” x nya^y? nyn pR •yj drh Ds#n ,DHDn nunon r jynjnj ?x pdoj irs lyjisyj yrn y?R D’o jyantjniyjj’nR in drh ny .dirdi? pR o^ya •r: yanoy pa rpn jyjnpyj drh ny ra o^anRyj .jyoaynp ~Vi ya’toy pa non ni^on r oynanjya pr lyo’ojyo y^ya Dyn ps .nyr^Rn yo^’xya ya^oy d’d .Dnyaoyo yo5”x nyn tR tnyrya pr ,yunyjy Dunj o'o oyansyj ,1924 nnip ornyj pr oiynnyns jynRiiyj .jyn’f’a pR iyopRii ^r ?n"oo iyopRiiya drh n"DJ nyn .ojynnyns d?r nnR’ 12 n"oj nyn *Rn njyrio 12 ”3 dx’ r diroirb ny ra nnR’ ix nnR’ pa ■Jin 5y’a [yrn D”x nyn pr .Dnyaoyo 300 nyayn pr ,ny5 ny tr dx’r n’DR pynRiiyj jya^nyj Dy’f”DRa nyonyn D’o i’iR ny oyanR ,ynoDDjynnyns n iyayjy:a’iR drh a?>a iRtriD’DDPR jy^yaRj Dyn on pr nnyjy nya^yr nyn 5”’d:r jyDuna r 1’ir jyouya D”x nya^yr nyn pR .traji ojynuyns |ynyj "Diets’’ann„ 'jjrp pr pt lyanoD’u pR ,dd” j jytyn’R pr uijynn# ouna pr onn’ayj ,d” x nnij’ 5 r lyo^Rnyj .nianoxn ynn’R tya^n ^rt n inyryj ny .Dnyaoyo n pa nynj’p n ird n"n r oynanaya paRn 7na ^ nm r oaRoyj .D’noni D”nn nya oyanRyj drh nyDRii ,D’iRann jyjyn onyoDR^ByaD’ i r ,D?iy no diir Dnan y^R pr ?” d: r tyoiaya .nnD r d’o ppr onn’ayjj’nR t’R one yonyyn pn pr .drhd d’d pr o?yj d’o npnxaty ytnn’R yf”Dty r .y^yaRj r pr n .lynva tynnaix i^ r pa tyn’xny jyoana’n y?R pR b»h’r drp^rb in onn’D pna niofri pR ” t D:ynyf>y3 ,dd’u jytrn’R pR nynan yny”t ly^RT D’tyyo you yny”t tr oannRB ntw tyaijin ”t ,nmn .D^iy pnar? pnarn neD pr jynyu jyantnRB SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
nDKi 'Ton •48 This Page is Dedicated in Honor of Mr. ReuLen Ports!z y and k i wife Mrs. Renecca Ponsky Mr. Ponsky was born in Horan, Vilner Guberni, Lithuania, in the year of 1874. He arrived in the U. S. A. in 1889. Mrs. Ponsky was born in Pazelva, in Guberni of Kovno, Lithuania, and arrived in the U. S. A. in 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Ponsky were married in 1899 in Cleveland, Ohio, in the Litvishe Shul. Mr. and Mrs. Ponsky were members of the Hebrew Free Loan in Cleveland, Ohio and are also members of the Hebrew Free Loan in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Ponsky are members of the Congregation Rodfei Sholom of San Antonio, Texas. They donated to that institution sets of TALMUD, MISHNAYES and TANACH. Mr. and Mrs. Ponsky are temporarily residing in San Antonio, Texas. May God grant Mr. and Mrs. Ponsky long life and happiness, and find pleasure in continuing their good deeds
r dedicated m loving memory mo Louis Robinson was born in Krasna-Polia in the year of 1872, and came to the United States in the year 1896. Rachel Budnitzky-Robinson was born in the year 1878 in Krasna-Polia and came to the United States in the year 1895. Louis and Rachel Robinson were married in 1897, in Kingstown, Pa., and went to Dallas, Texas, where they resided for eight years. Then they returned to Kingstown, Pa., where they lived for the rest of their lives. Louis and Rachel Robinson died in August 1st, 1929 (Tamuz 24th, 5699) May their souls forever rest in peace.
H$» Vk noxi ion 4s-; 1 cmon rmn *?v tnain nscn 11310 nns 1133:11 i s w i i nersnms Blip ttdi? raw i5p:t 133: i3n nsrs .iw r? n3 13S3 imp mm ins 'a min’ i"d *oll h nov mv maa man aim maw man nrm ^ am t?2:a irow na» iana' naaa .Tntan mxan anr nmn k l ML* vmm 'srn .inn nan new .njn:i am .catty nma ,ntty nman DKns my .cc ^na isaa neapi nmtt naapn cnua nraan .nrpnn ia?a ia« mat nnatm nxtt nnan na» nraty inmax nrain .nnnn mo )r\z *nr roia? nanat .pittk 123 ,mni2 nns'2 nnay myam caann ex maty: .tatne mya1 .nman mya ttax' nnia ?y mmm rrvaai camp mar: atsntt mmn ia2tr a^ai Caty mnxa mins ntyea mnty ! cvm nan m m?« rain m D3 r mDB3 mn war •nnaaai map npa ?aa nTBsn nwjn nmyn nnra ntyaty nxm: mna ,mnpn mmm rot nny tya: mtya ntw* ,in mjr »SS»«88^S888888888888888888888888SS8S»SK Mrs. H. COHEN § 55 » » BORN JULY » 8th 1 1903 1 VIZIRODIK i RUSSIA ‘55 & 55 » 55 55 ^55 & XX Though to the world beyond you have gone S£ And to dust returneth your flesh xx and bones xx Yet, the spirit that your good deeds $$ contain 55 Will here with us, forever remain. Your good name that is inscribed here We shall always honor and revere » 55 55 D IED DECEMBER FIRST 1936 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 For, to this good cause you gave 55 55 8 # your heart May your spirit from our midst never depart. SAN ANTONIO 55 55 TEXAS XX XX XX 55 $&Si XX X> 5SS85585S8E58558S385S85585SS5SSS538S385S53855853S55S3855SE. S 1 V--- 8 *
vtfr ‘p tys Vk nDKl "IDH 4fnH THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION ojeSKSokritsSSSS&k D E D I C AT E D To the Memory of JOSEPH SELIG HAHN [*■ abaanau ygmamatvia riSWSu. A DEDICATION TO A PIONEER OF OUR JEWISH COMMUNITY On this page of the Book of Reminiscences are inscribed the good deeds of Joseph Selig Hahn. Mr. Hahn was one of the pioneers of our Jewish Community. He has contributed greatly towards the upbuilding of our Jewish institutions both local and national. Mr. Hahn belonged to numerous organizations, and helped them morally and materially; he was a member of Congregation Agudas Achim for nearly fifty years, a member of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, Zionist Organization, B’nai B’rith and many others. # r^> % His was a life spent in Faith, Hope and Charity, which is the greatest heritage that can be left to his family; a man made out of the finer human traits of Character that endeared him to every one. May his memory be blessed. This act of inscribing the name of Mr. Hahn in this Sefer Hazicoron is truly a noble deed of his beloved wife, Rosa Hahn. Let not kindness and truth forsake Thee. BORN MARCH 16th, 1859 DIED AUGUST 21st, 1937
m- nDXI *TDn <m | Let Not Kindness and Truth Forsake Thee! OUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE HEBREW FREE LORN ASSOCIATION It is our sincere wish that this organization to which we contribute and help materially and morally, may continue to grow. May this contribution be an inspiration to those who give their time and efford to further the noble cause of Gmilus Chasodim in our midst.
now non 4*h gpr |S5G®ss£25?-^X X ^'X *^2:?^X 2^X 22i^2'^5''3f^''2^22.ii^22^Ssr2S^ "Mr. and Mrs. A. VEXLER >% , THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES TH2 T H IfiD ner bisi to? sin TELLS OF MAN'S UPRIGHTNESS 5123 ciras ns tq m u> This page is dedicated to the nobie work of Abraham Vexler. president of the ’ G miiuth Cha- sodim, ' and Rose Vexler, his wife. For twenty-three years Mr. and Mrs. Vexler have been residents of San Antonio, and since their arrival they have been very active in all Jewish community activities Their home is a tr. it. wish one—a "Beth Israel." There one can see the observance of "Kashruth," the Sabbath and the Festivals in an atmosphere thoroughly and traditionally Jewish. Their ^ons and daughters have been given a fine Jewish education. All have attended the Talmud Torah, and also the Religious School of the Congregation Agudos Achim. They hove been confirmed and graduated from these institutions. Abraham Vexler is one of the most charitable men in our community, one of the first contributors to every'cause. The Synagogue, Community Center, Talmud Torah, Jewish National Fund, Joint Distribution Committee, United Palestine Appeal, Ye- shivahs, and various European institutions have benefited greatly because of his efforts. Mr. Vexler has given not only of his means but also of his time and labor in behalf cf every Jesvish cause. In 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Vexler endowed and equipped a room in the Hebrew Community Center in memory of their dear parents. In addition to being president of the "G'miiuth Chasodim," Abraham Vexler is Vice-President of the Congregation Agudas Achim, Chairman of the Jewish National Fund Council, Vice-President of rhe Talmud Torah, Vice-President of the San An tonio Chapter of the Zionist Organization, is on the board of directors of the Hebrew Community Center, and is also an c ive board member of many of the local Jewish organizations. 4 y j T pX MIVPB’IX H • W r i i t i W I* 1 :ns?2 29th of December, 1937 -v'st ~yn .ijkmiw lypyasj trjnyyj osn pb Mtxiatnx vou pn px nypepy" :m :s ' i d n " o i p b D a rm yn s .lyl’cpyn run .did nna -|tSD Dnxoo' nyuix px jyjnxn ,-yPDm?n .did px .id h pb wwiniKB st jyrn m dinrup pya pitr xnxops pin nyn qjnn'DBPs ?yoiJ nym d’o , 2" V 2 y'3'O'n ,y;nytr yyi’x x "?xn;y mo,, ivdxj jyfiB i'd-d nr.tfn tyrmy; ;yp jnyn is jjitrvnyn px ,nn» px .roohpn ypx px Pin min niDfn px p^nyr m jynyjyj ,ddd jyrn'X px npnrp !d”s nyn 1 $: lynyj i 'Nvd px cy fyc a’D B'j px ,yotsny "i ps anayesy ny px ,?j?3S?o npnv -jpd 'dmpdxp nyn ,rmn maPn in ,5nw n .ooxn yayax ;x •fxnD'ix nym px ”D px aaixnaonx ny»n px ”D px ,nPD -,PD"n x ,stilus' pa 2" v 2 yoojayr n pa men ny px mid yafyt Dxn .oparv p,c ipdPxdbox y?>x nnx dd px odmvv an*x "3 px dx”? ,c ".on mi'aj aiv {yayaya npo'x ny px p.x npy; D'o on px 5'*dj"x tyoma x coy: ,ny”D nnyt -’DIXBO' *i’ 1X ” D .DHJDt? PB IPDf^DtSOX 1'fx pX *piX nynayp ynytaix pa yoynnya n nxs ” D px ..tP'JEnynxa v v (ryB tyj'n ipnytnya nytaix iv dxp) apti onynxa oy ixn v w m O’O IPS': P.x f’^jx jyoyj nypopyii .did px -d r>x nyfcpyii .no pb iyDX? nin Axd p*p bx on jyaxt .o:yn 8 ny px xn ,D2 XDnyn tysxt ypyatjj h px .ciayoix onyn '3TX3 povy in aiDvrnx ,03ynni"mc’ni x xn .ejynnjns 12 nyyiDJytx px ny^st? x .“yj'vnxnou x ny px ,ff>33 pin pn ,pn fx? or:y3yj .lyypf unx nynya- x ann's ,;xd npnv inxD iy jyfifyn px? »X3 .P’pp px o«P3’n D’d jyDij iv jynyn B3xonyn pkt ji'dx; nyn px qynnx'. y;:x' Irmin *nn »pix H’lXBlS \HX3 t\cJ .“"'SIT'. 'Pim .*13.15 !\"3 r SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS
!£=>■ W riDKT Ton Israel Alexander This Page is Inscribed in This Book of Reminiscenses (Sefer Hazikoron) by Mr. Israel Alexander, as a Contribution to the Welfare of the Hebrew Free Loan of San Antonio Mr. Alexander was born in Britchan, Bessarabia, Russia, on the 7th day of Adar, 5632 (1872). He arrived in the United States in 1921, and became a member of Congregation of Rodfei Sholom on arriving in this city. He has been a member of the Hebrew Free Loan since its organization. Mr. Alexander and his entire family reside in San Antonio, Texas. It is the w ish o fthe Hebrew Free Loan: May (fod grant him many, many happy and healthy years to come
s*£> 'piy" Vk nOKl "TD H 4s-: ■*- OUR AIMS •«- To INCREASE the feeling of fellowship and brotherly love among the members of our fraternity. To create a reputation of integrity and leadership for Sigma Alpha Rho. To establish habits of clean thought, clean action, and sincere reverence. To develop the character and qualities of our members in such a way that they shall be considered a pride to their community and their fraternity. Albert, Richard Alter, Sylvan Alterman, Jerome Baxt, Joseph Brown, Marvin Budow, Bernard Cohen, Harold Cohen, Robert Crasilneck, Harold Cristol, Charles Davidson, Charles Davis, Marvin Donzis, Jerome Eisenberg, Jodie Fink, Norman Fischer, Albert Fonarow, Willard Goldenberg, Floyd Goldfein, William Goldstein, Eugene Goot, Irwin Gordon, William Sylvan Davis Jay Sam Levy FRATERS Greenburg, Robert Holzman, Bernard Kalish, Paul Karotkin, Lester Kurland, Anthony Nevelow, Howard Nevelow, Stanley Nussbaum, Lester Racusin, Robert Rosenman, Bernard Ruttenberg, Benjamin Sapson, Irving Scherr, Harold Seriff, Jack Shanken, Sidney Schiller, Donald Siegel, Fred Sinkin, Samuel Sugarman, Gershon Stanley, Jerome Tobias, Robert Weiner, Beryl ADVISORY BOARD Bernard Goldberg Eli Goldstein Milton Lerman ORGANIZED DECEMBER 26, 1932 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
‘pTy* Vk | | | j riDKi non J 7 brtflwtn . T tffc tw ll in nnitwy B eho ld hcu? $O0^r smb tfleas* k it i$ THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO THE Officers and Trustees of the Hebrew Free Loan Assn Administration of the Years 1937-38 J. Walter Feigenbaum, S. Barban, D. Safir, J. Spector, A. Rabinowitz, L. Greenberg and Jake Ratner. In the second row from left to right are A. Seriff, A. Matusoff, Rev. A. Gur- vitz, Rev. D. Kanter, A. Kamrass, A. Vex- ler, Rabbi A. Rabinowitz, Rabbi D. Tam- arkin, Rev. H. Lubel and I. Lewin. In the third row from left to right are S. Glasser, S. Erlich, B. Barenblat, S. Kagan, H. Cohen, D. Shaenfield, Z. Katz, A. Sinkin, N. Gossen, M. Pachter, E. M. Forbes and S. Levin. "["HE above is a picture of the honorary officers and trustees of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, taken on the stage of the Hebrew Community Center, the afternoon of Sunday, January, 16th, 1938, and whom, by their unified efforts and ardent co-operation in behalf of the Association and its noble purpose, were greatly responsible for the remarkable strides of progress made by the Association during the fiscal year of 1937-38. From left to right in the first row is f
/ ^ “pTJT V Kpm riDKl “IDH Mother Born March First 1887 in Bender, Russia Died February 18th 1923 In North Carolina Father Born March loth 188b in Bender, Russia Died September 6th 1937 Mrs. Rebecca Filler Mr. Joseph Filler This Page Is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Parents '* Rebecca * and Joseph Filler who have departed from this world in the prime of th sir life The inscription of the names of our parents on this page is our tribute to perpetuate their memory in the Bonk of Brmtntamtrro of the ijrbma 3m Hoatt AsHoriattim to wjich our father contributed and faithfully rendered his services He helped materially and morally to furtherthe good cause of the May Their Souls Be Blessed Isidor, Harry, Fannie and Sam Filler December 20, 1938 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
This page is dedicated in honor of our son on his first birth day, November the eighteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty eight. MrTand Mrs. SAM GELFOND and SON 0-*O 6^> /uiDrra ■Qinm p d to \>xn uiu ADITMDJ ™ ID UKR mr\T\ D3RDU3 t* /oprddi ™ id idt \i a vm .\D2Dl \D21KJ IDTIW ID r^S l .ttlVTSm 1l\2l 'R DR«n mP hY2$oti rk tom ,RRD RU3D I r a RDR .ir^Ti rk pkq1? u \rr C+O &k> lycna ajn pxs ,apxn psr ajn is tnppxspaxp ns urrspax b^o r t to ijrm&’pxs ,]mr x zro BtwjDya taix axn py exn nan •» « non rtfln pBynain isd ajn nx xp iyo$a T T bxb pytaix ns BD^a lyerrx ajn lyaya^x Bjm nn pytaix px osy aanyn exn ac'a pyp exp nysxn to ajni py n# asaipis pyp rx 7xptsr pit pytaix b*o rt Ti« pxs asy anx tyaypa p"a yepyn tyayn n snx typrrs arrx yanyt? n rx T\noax x jyanya ajm py cxp ,pnx tysxn p*»o.arrx ayp n« n« B'pan ro^oa man pyp ns jyaaixiBsnx .asrjypynaerapnatya?ynis main psa paxs^ya ya^s n« ?xioty j l D o November 18th, 1938 XTUtil .vim unuu UV V’} SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
ajfr- ‘pty Vk £13X1 1DH 1 (5T~^ Q£) Gf) >^r^! *^> ^~i^\ QZ)^^jF& 1 Dnon n?’C3» instil isos ^ ,c:t i '553) inx sn ly ns orfiipfii ETtswa ,Dnn2: Dnwx 'at? "n m2^nn ■firo’* js 5 anan /lima nn /lama m tj nx w crrat? /la^taa pres in x ?2i .(on m trjn § Drre^a d?ij? i 2t? *on3' inx sn ?j? ns nnxa wrap /pnflBn D'j?aa unm ^mamaa » .in? trrn mnix'i traion fc k SCS^CIi^iS C=C5^0 '^3=5 e ^ Rev DAVID RANTER | Mr. MEYER KATZ | .?xiir niTtst D'ya ,m? n?nn„ Srmanan c'rj? "tx»„ mpix ntnj? pis in2 ^ _. k CA1 t/ij nnssi mPyaa nna*a ,n^’jm naaan p"ti'n n"n p"t? v'j nyaayp nn .pyn t?"a ,ma'aaa nsaan ,m:iC syna sna„ .s'asaas jsd namyn b' hk rmas'aaspa naman in'yn ,P"r nysn '*1 comsan p"i?n p "masn niai.Pnn iana' ns ,P"r Vw-itr** ns max n x nnaaam .cPpy pnarP a'aian cmtryaa cn"n -p'ass ny"T tans max 'ins pn ana nyaayp .n .pyn 23 nns' s a'a s'asaas jsd ps axyisa pT payn ,y nmas '.*asp ps pn s nss jyapyaas jsn ps ny p'mx ya"tr s ana ,Ph2 mass cm ny pn rs ny ps ,B'nK ,nyc'T pn .pyrnnsix nnyT nms a'a ps ]ya ps ,aPsnya -ya ,nsa jyanyya pn a'a ,pyapsn nya'msn nytmms ytyr-s yp« aanytrsa ny pynyms y^x anyaD^a nytsayp n myn ,nyT»P yt^'T’S yon ya^r a'a mnoty nyirn’s ,nyaia nyn nss aa^sa lya^r pis pn a^o n«s ]yss rs pin mao yv^'x nyp ,aann>is,''is Pan D’nlTO cxm ,D'anw ,axan xxama cnnN 1'nra « nytsayp .bis jin nyn «a yysya cX'an -nan a'a—?iDa r« can pypana ;i« ]ycny tra pya^na min' ma ?yapsny iynyn yn yayp ynyn .a^nayn 'ansa paiy yr pn nyaayp •nyi .yyaana%n y'rs p« y^'T'S yns p« ,nmn moPn ps* jyaist ‘mil? p« ,nlax asp i' d p.s tr'asnynsa an^atr ps "D yasana'aDa's lyspyn ix p.s ,narrai cpara "p ,Psnty' PPa ix anynya -a"s lyD'ina s ny anya d'P naya yap'mya m pyrs m pysraya ya'^aayny PPaa .asna a'a ps aPya a'a P"a ps ,aia laa pytyaaya "T Pst asa .pya^P is ps asa is cPry nnP pyaia iy pynyp aasonyn Pst pyasa ny'T .pnarn nsss npns nmy nPnnP camsa PPanan aman n"n nns ,P"t pyp bpt 'as n"a pyp yan —sa na ny Paa nPnnP naT' tb» pa'D sp'opya n'y 'a'naa nnpan .pnain nsca nminP 'i pya'nrnys n-a pynyp pnam nso ps aP'ss nss ma ,ynayns p'p a'a s'asaas ;sd ps nyapspa"s t's ny P"p ysaops p's T's py^aya pyanyya pypn ,aap ny pyp ps .aosa nyass ]s ansaa* ps Tans "a ya'T'P a*a a'a aap ny /'ap'n n'as nsn' sP„ pyp na m nss intana yo'ina a'a ny ,na'na ma ma ,aayn oy nyp npns ps nman ymynas p« nmn maPn ,Pm^ .aasn yayss ]S a'a anynss d'*s ny asPyn 'a'D sp'Dpya ansaa* p'T ps a'a qp'mx aap ps aPya oyaio yD'ina a'a yap'nnya PPaa ,Psntt" PPa ps r'aysnynsa yPs ps aPya P's dsp pyry' pysPyn is nya'snyn aia s nnyi ny T's nom npns mtryp 'pysPyn cms Pst asa .cjp'n anynss nmnP aiaP ana' pyp ysn msa -n ia*m D'a'n Pa .pnsrn ibdb cP*y H’AK\3T H\HT1 ,TT"U"m T\Tffl UHAWn '1 , '1 TIT' P"T>\ ,*2"T T fl ^"liT TIT’ August 28, 1938 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
h$> Vk nDKi ion 4 »r >SC<V“ f »?4 ? 9 BORN In The Year OF 1846 IN SLABODKA RUSSIA 183'lp HOT '31 ? 9 DIED FEBRUARY THE Twenty-Sixth 1936 IN San Antonio Texas I'MIWD 851 P1381 5? 5311 Ijnjm fljrcya ts’3myn lysyp iSnHl?iKS jynyrt ystyn n rpis nst? s WITH GREATEST RESPECT WE INSCRIBE THESE WORDS ON THIS PAGE OF THE SEFER HAZICORON TO PERPETUATE THE GOOD NAME OF A NOBLE MAN AND GREAT TALMUDIC SCHOLAR WHOSE MEMORY IS A SYMBOL OF HONOR AND REVERENCE IN THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES. Habbi Klpban A great scholar is hard to replace when he departed to the eternal resting place. If we will use only beautiful phrases And not words that are simple and plain, If we will give him a thousand praises Our words will not be uttered in vain. His knowledge of the Bible was deep and wide, The secrets of the Talmud he knew well. His treasure of wisdom was a real guide To those who drank from that living well. He was always humble in every way A helping hand he extended to every man, Of the word of God he spoke every day These are the virtues of Rabbi Kleban. May the spirit of his good deeds and wisdom Be to us a source of great inspiration, May his noble soul in heavenly kingdom Pray for a speedy redempion of our nation. 5th of December, 1938 pm ’ovd rpn iayi pnx tvs vp ’tpyn hbd’ mi Prints ruo’m UTya 2 tnn rpn m Pina min m i yta: natr D’ts^tp-pys msam m'nan npam sat? nan»s jnai nry “pamn nmtsxn1? imam it?E32 nnrin nnm nwnpn nnnn mm i2 ^>‘ion mtr mmi ns mmn nana nn nsm nvnp s 1?,nns mis ns perfii mmnn s^s imp ^2 tsnn npn tmpn nsD2 .P tyy ts i msn nm mo ma1? 2113 pn 12 TI’S'ltS” ’32 ^>2 ty 2 in C]2*7 S^l ni2 TE]2 ^onsn *2 ns pi 1^113 top H2HS21 1pto2 not? itoyn fna nmns to tvay1?nryi imt3S2 u1? mp .*rtna m2s .moral inn ny1?pm jimm nsD2 is js2 ’^p 2 *inns nto ni2 itan nnnn jn i^s •ny 132 mto2 map n2 n ior -pm ts mu ,Vjtn 2" ’ SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS
AND IT WILL BE A REMEMBRANCE TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL IN THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION r r m i s n u r y n v n r n n m i n m T m TTIUTI A GOOD NAME IS BETTER THAN PRECIOUS OIL ,5Oo$6o#o>CiiCi$#o0<5o$*iS!eiO$$<;is>*> ON THIS PAGE OF THE SEFFER HAZICORON. THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES, ARE INSCRIBED THE MANY GOOD DEEDS OF MR. AND MRS. w "**“2rn lasa* "p-ari VK-,r\, *»*> tiDns "aia pare ,ans air ans* amen Prior to the time Mr, Lewin morried his second wife, Stishe Lewin, he served the Congregation Agudcs Achim os Beadle (Shomosi for severcl years. During this period, Mr. Lewin did his best not oniy to piecse the officers of the Congregation, but else the members. He always fulfilled his duty wholeheartedlv. 181S?' ATI 13811 .tfjy-UDlQ TniJII ,}n3TR 1£C \' ytP’DD .mrs m=s vmnnxvsi Birniis v m tpt i TU’A TB"T1 .lllliVSPIH \DT)11 H)”1 TTT1 .\13TSll 1U \\1lf31>l'riH V ’vfrSTXiUHl In his spare time, Mr. Lewin found a way to fulfil the command of "Bikkur Cholim" by visiting the sick in the hospitals, ond by seeing to it that those Jews who were in need were helped. He never over-looked the poor jewish families of our city, always serving gladly end willingly. o"v k jyiy; “ji vh ,om”nw m bkh fur? .-soun«K jynyj jyi'iDix an'x b*o r« jyo ,D’riKmux .j3xp p« vo& iv jim B"X iyi ps ,m« iyji?p ptt iyai3 8 rx iy ?”ii BEX DJVra IV .tnspsw DVD13 1’1K IV D$H jyiiy3 VQV 8 PK d$ii »p:«np xi I’k'b 3’i« jypipsa u??rt2’SDt,tn n px jnys *w jy?$t ”t jnytyj iy D^n a?y: ps n?»n jyiin$B yon* ytyaupp n ns .jnyiyj man t>ik .jmim -yePKn d*h ctn jyB?yn is ,«i?'n j'K m jpro’U d#ii jyspjyo .D” njm'iBix b' d jnijtDya iy dkh ,jn$DB’iK jkp ew 8 y?ya83 8 .ymaa pne ya"nx pn B8i"nyj asn iy nt5»8 8va rjyixnm b’ipd nn'x mix px on a'b px pns ania jik B”p3”i p« Bay? iy .jyaD’irn y?8 p8 "aie xxa p« yj’xiynaij 8 T'X’Iib ?"t ?«11 .ainaa’n pn a'o ddu o’c px jjioyjxa yau y?8 p« i?m is ran an'x amp n *£nyiy2 y?8 p« ?"na3K jyo’im k "t jynyj ayaix ps i?y3 yapmyj jyspyn ,Dy’sxpj8Ji8 P?8 ps ,ai8aa» jib jyrnj *82 h jyjyn ?y’s jya”2i 8 .aayn yjycx a^o r?8 ,□’? 22ya .min iiD?n ji8 ?nn? pc jy^’acnm na’2 I'mix jnyac' aiy?c oxn .tpotr pyt ,p*iy> -,v~i a^ am jyj?8BDnK jik j’n oxtan^nya ,p’pis imn^’ B’a na’2 j'cnx avy' anyat? ,bj8» iy dxh ?mr jic ajynnms a?8 J18 '823 0^8 mm pso pyi tysy: ?met "-.y2?yr -,m j'x n 2’n jib aam’Tma nyoeny jix ,mm ma?n jib ajm’tmB ,an?’2yj 338? a’j a^n ansar n d^ii ,iyajyD 'B'3i'08P ;i8 a?ys b' o ?yc?8ny; ?y'B inyr T’« cm j'« B8n ny i«n y'snyiy B’o jyauyj av'8 tik in py a^n n"n j'« ,ay2i 8 .2vd in'R jyaa'iKB is B'o *i'T jnpi B82i' px jm^cyj i$e 8 jy;”t "t jypxsyj ,?y'c myt jyan^i "t jyc?8ny3 jik ame my"t ma jyjKPiy" army} i",x i't jpa-^i ,?8-m r*x jypips2 .ayaij "i jyma ??2 im2 .aiyn y:yc8 B's ,P2'ij nmi nnn i'ix jr,2t? jyiyn jyammyB ??8 b8*i 1K’1K2 D'D' ni2''i82 DD1K 112' ,H1 . i112?? ?81B»’,r '32? lan'D’ ?* iani npis nnyy? .ityiyi After his morriege to Stishe Lewin, a noble and kind woman, Mr. Lewin took an even greater interest in our community affairs. With the assistance ond co-operoticn of his good-hearted wife, who herself willingly gave of her time ond substance, more time was devoted to every good cause. Mr. and Mrs. Lewin not only aided worthy organizations morally but he helped financially. Mr. Lewin olso devoted much time to the Congregation, not only as Sexton, but, as Gabbai. As President of the Talmud Torah, Israel Lewin accomplished a great deal in causing the Jewish children to attend the Hebrew Institute. Mr. Lewin took a greet interest in the building of ihe Community Center and served as its first president for two yeers. Traveling several times to Palestine, Mr. and Mrs. Lewin gave with open hands to the good cause of rebuilding the National Homeland. In Europe their needy relatives were hzlpea in q cheerful manner. The virtues and goad deeds of his worthy couple are Inscribed on this page cf the Sefer Hczicoron in order that their good nome may be remembered forever. The 5th day of the month cf Adar, February 5, J938 spurns \hts rv3TV’mn mis ,\mtn n s mwci ’cron nv SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
i ' p T j r Vk Bgj§] riDKi non 4* / f o r f hrethern *Ta^well m unihfj? B e f a l l fam? ^0CrdTHIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO THE Officers and Trustees of the Hebrew Free Loan Assn Administration of the Years 1937-38 J. Walter Feigenbaum, S. Barban, D. Safir, J. Spector, A. Rabinowitz, L. Greenberg and Jake Ratner. In the second row from left to right are A. Seriff, A. Matusoff, Rev. A. Gur- vitz, Rev. D. Kanter, A. Kamrass, A. Vex- ler, Rabbi A. Rabinowitz, Rabbi D. Tam- arkin, Rev. H. Lubel and I. Lewin. In the third row from left to right are S. Glasser, S. Erlich, B. Barenblat, S. Kagan, H. Cohen, D. Shaenfield, Z. Katz, A. Sinkin, N. Gossen, M. Pachter, E. M. Forbes and S. Levin. “|"HE above is a picture of the honorary officers and trustees of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, taken on the stage of the Hebrew Community Center, the afternoon of Sunday, January, 16th, 1938, and whom, by their unified efforts and ardent co-operation in behalf of the Association and its noble purpose, were greatly responsible for the remarkable strides of progress made by the Association during the fiscal year of 1937-38. From left to right in the first row is
r h^k "piy" Vk n tD K i n o n 4 *h "«£S5> ZAP^CiT^S C£^'»'^S5 tC>^C)^i5 <S£^7S~«Z±S SC^dO5*^ CtC^SS'^i; 3 133 DH13S ns 113 'HI 2 > ^ft G C ^JiS^Pi) 4=C<fESaJSJL-i£ra 6 xSs.JJ2-.CSi fts^ S i-^ S i 6Cf e, JJ2-£5i 6Cs^C2-<£ji (SxSs^ <J2—C-rS 6CSs^G2—sCSS 6 ts^<52_-!C ji IO E IO B O E RABBI and MRS. A. RABINOWITZ ■T ■ ■ ■"""■ 1■"""' ionoi 3 0 B 0 I o Do o D o o Do o a o Fieri nmsj» mam isds ,psie nnasmmm3 rsian sin vnnsi nnmips w kisj rv .psiep ns ,uto laps did enn , w *pbd mmms pisms?nsn ,:siet nr rai a'ysn mrw TRpffT DfTI» TTO aw' smvBSPS' Si HIKrSNl msi min' na?ai’ r m i s '■TO w n mamsssn nswnn npxn rosin vpjm mai nsipi amsrn own as®'pDiKDM naisssnrsn arm nisinn ns msm isos snsi wsmr:n sinnssi .anp nmm mat amian dipwbi 3 0 E 3 0 D o D o D o D o IOE 3 0 H C E 017377 733 oopcy s'7 ,7p7X3r 737 ‘733 7Tiyl osidIi Tyn osinl i37'y3 oisx337 oil'y37 73yn D'mn oi*7S3 CS7737 ls7tr 03 o'7s ,l'yi31 313 737 133 COOiD Q'tSOS D7 1133 .C'l .□rssi C3l mtr’3 7313S3 cpoiyi crnsr* 01331 3033 ,133 C773S 7"77 OS 173 'HI 13730' ,cn7in OS C'73331 3'317S Cl3 ,3'73331 3ia oiryl is' dio C7'3' inn' '7 .313 ‘733 313 ]173T7 7SD1 ,331? 13730' ,Cliy 1173Tll '"73 7t?'l .Cliy 017171 73131 37130 NOVEMBER 16. 1933 Ij j i i 3 0 E 3 0 E Do -yasl is!3 Ty S37S73 7'1' si7 1"37 Y'JTl 5TI '7 11*07 1'3S3 10710 '317 l3p 1017733 Sp'7 0111737 013't?'3 73l 13 77S1 1"T 7717' 7t?B *37 073733 7SB 173 Sp'7ySSl 1S1331 S3S7'S3 SD3 ly 3trr nor ystso 7ti ,oilH3 oil7p 7333 OS Z'Dllr 'E717„ '3J8P 017P3 S"D 73 013377 1031303 ,p73tl 7l!7'3 173' BHip7 073373 107nt?3 177 7713 ,3'71731 3'7X B'B1S33 ,p73 13 p?7’ 7'>’7 '37X 133 1173 pin np'l ,3'7iy3 031 COpil 7'BO 073iy 00377 10t?S1 ,C'B'y37 1'31S33 7X171 is '"son mush am ra tt-tm sris SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
‘p t y Vk ntDKi “ion 4 ^ 3 ® m s i r 3 BORN OCTOBER THE THIRD 1855 STATE OF GRODNE RUSSIA 1D85KD iT O '21 DIED DECEMBER THE Twenty-Sixth 1927 IN San Antonio Texas THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF i t a b h i j ^ n l n m n n NO GREATER ACT OF REAL GMILUS CHESED AND FINER DEED COULD HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED BY THOSE FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF RABBI S. SO LO M O N THAN THE DEDICATION OF THIS PAGE IN HIS MEMORY AND THE INSCRIPTION OF HIS NAME ON THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK of REMINISCENCES 'fW ir*1* ................................................................ MAY SOLOMON' S WI SDOM BE MULTI PLI ED Our sages said, "No one is accompanied to his resting place by gold and silver or by precious stones but by Torah, wistom and by acts of good deeds." Truly, "Torah, knowledge and good deeds" accompanied Rabbi Solomon when he departed from this earthly life. His knowledge of the Bible and the Talmud, their interpretations and translations, were deeply engraved in his heart and mind. Words of wisdom flowed from his lips, and those who heard him speak the word of God, enjoyed it greatly. Rabbi Solomon was not only a Shochet, Mohel and teacher, but also a leader of the San Antonio Jewish Community for three decades. He was humble in his ways and friendly to all, his doors were always open to the needy and the stranger, for he truly observed the Command of "Hachnosas Orchim," and received all men with a pleasant countenance. Rabbi Solomon gave charity both openly and secretly to the poor and needy. For eighteen years Rabbi Solomon was the Rabbi of the old Agudas Achim Congregation, and for eight years Rabbi of the Rodfei Sholom B'nai Israel Congregation. A pioneer of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, he was, in all, a great Prince in Israel. May his memory be blessed, and may his soul enjoy eternal l i fe . rW ITm-v rrvTv->tW t nra roanaim oayp ,DHDn ni?’»a man pa "piaatn -ibd„ px xn yoayya Din pa DPiy iiaat? yDD’tyya ’a jyvaip px jyanty py’a Baxtaty ayiaix px jypya px dxp ,pn jix cnw paa pan Dan ,niantya ?ya apawn am n"n ,imo dp ay jyanx’ spnyox j”p jycnpya px jdpd ’an — p"r |C?d na?tr mo O’o nnny x no? x fxoawap x ,jyanx’ yaap ya”t j’x ayty’a’x aya’vaxn ayanyty x ,D’aaa ayaaxPDia pa m?ap nmp pya ,mpy»a dpipio x ?moi n"ya xaip pya ,npen ?ya oaxoty px npnp ytyn’x h jyoiayaiv dp’x dxh ,D’aa nnm oaxa px ay .rt?i a'Pty ’an x axa ,DXDpyn ,yaxp’Daxp 'aaxP n tai*n ,Dpyr nnx’ x aiaaa ypyoty aya spix jypyasx ,dh’x jyniayaiv x’axoax jxd oaxoty ayiaix jia D’nx naias ,20 anx’ x ypyosp aya nnx jypya x"tyi a'Pty paa x axa an’x jyaxn ypx pyanaiv any? omx pa jypya px jyo ,-j’pDayax nx Tpay’p opyaaxnya jycypx oxn ,osnya ay’p ?”Di”x ,aiav ’aava prny jx jypya ,w ya’pa’p yaipp o’o D’naix ypx ,naix D’aao x ,npavaty D’aaa ypx px lyoiaya h oayaypya ,nDa px Dan aiaaa jyoiayaiv ay oxn D’aamo dh’x rx am x ,ae>’n -jana ”t jypya nnao ,ayaa’P ytyn’x Dsn jyo lv ,aaxoya D’a pnxo P’P ay dxh oopiya oxn x px x"x 'aaxP px jypya ay px an’ 20 .D’a iv ,Dpnxvxa D’a oaypy: ,ini» dp ay ,DiPty ’aaia 'aaxP px Dpyr anx’ -axa jypya D’a jyoipa d’d px jyay? t”t pia ayp ’a ,-p’a l ”pa x oaxtya ,-ppnyaa anayoty jypya ay px -jxa axJ ,D”t H’t ay oxn ptx ,npaan Dy aaiyn x ,?tyo jyaapp x ,Dat$p a’vyap nx^ ayopy px jyaaxDtyya ,inio dp ay ,Dan’aya -aya ,D’asDn oaxoya paa’y ’tyax pa i ? nyy pna aiaa ,anx’ oxn ,jyayp jyDyaaxa D’a pxt Dxa tx ,D’naty ya”t d?”v jyayp jya’acyaxa pxt jyoxa ayoia j”r tx oanaxa atya ay niaa iaai ’n’ ."jiaarn aaD„ j’x rur^nps tmipn matra ^nn wt$?3 nan s"m f'v ’aa ntyaa apyaa nx x’axoax jxD inoaty ?y xtya naty D’ty^ ,nnan jiaatn aana did jiaaT^ ma^ jna 5’yioi aio aaa ^ D’ anxa iyaty D’ aa ityaa ^oytt nman aty’ P a’ naoi -j’aatt D’ aaian pa nanaD ’ nn inotyJ D’aiyaa D’apt^ nas’y naail n"a«ri November 14th, 1938 \s " ,saT\ apspt an ’a tsv San Antonio. Texas — m
hn| k ‘p t y * riDKi i‘on THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED ’ IN MEMORY OF M R . RUBIN JORRIE BY HIS WIFE MRS. GERTRDUE JORRIE w Mr. Jorrie Died September 5, 193 6 at the age of fifty. During his life Mr. Jorrie belonged to several Jewish organizations. He was a member of congregation Agudas Achim for over twenty years and he contributed to various charitable Institutions. May his Soul Be Blessed. DECEMBER 81, 1939 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
‘pTy- noto non 4«-i & *5* HIS HEART OVERFLOWETH WITH GOODLY MATTER AND HIS GENEROUS DEEDS WERE THE DICTATES OF HIS HEART" rJr THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED IN LOVING MEMORY OF Dr. BERNARD KAHN BY HIS WIFE RACHEL KAHN Dr. Bernard Kahn was a resident of © San Antonio for a quarter of a century. He belonged to every Jewish organization and helped materially and morally. Dr. Kahn gave generously to every local worthy cause. He contributed to several charitable institutions of other countries. His Jewish education never departed from him. Born May 21,1857 Died October 20, 1938 MAY HIS SOUL BE BLESSED DECEMBER 10th 1939 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Dr. Kahn was a member o f t h e following organizations: Hebrew Free Loan Association, Talmud Torah, Poale Zion, Zionist Organization of America, B'nai B'rith, Brith Abraham, The Ort, Ponerezah Turein and various other organizations.
‘p i y " V k noxv. ID)! ................................................. ......................................... .............................. ....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii[p WiraKiKH m l Hra won rnn ^ |j|» n in iin iiiin n n iin in n n iin in n n iiiin n in iiiin iin in in in iin iiiiiin n n n iiu iin iiiiiiin in in in n n ........iin in iiiiiiin iiiin iiiin iiiin n iin n iiin fr •f* «i» This Page Is Dedicated To The Memory Of J MR. MAX KAROTKIN I>wi By MRS. BELLA KAROTKIN | # o Do o 0 o D o o Do o D o o D o o Do tny” s'jstsjs 7«3 tj?» cpisi w as iris'! 712 "7113m 12s,, pN ni T'ptsKiKp 'did m23:m mwnn ntyxn 71s yvz'vy: 7J,'3, i r « 3 anas 'id 7x0 Dj?jj}3iyatm82 irpx 712 71s ,7"r trnpn tk» o ns 'mn 1st djj aaurraarN ytrTN jibi: yanyt? lyn ,7'-r iiibsik;? p s 7s ’jjnapa .i'paxixp mal rvnrn aia frort fya^aiys ,snsaas ;sd ps nyp pa jycipya rs f'pDKixp j?7«3 'dto >na ynanyya n as nms jyn ,DsnasB Tynjrp pasa ,n"y j?’dj?b nyaia nms a’o pins115 ps ly r ’a yaar s lyiayD cnaa 'no ana asTmya st n ps .tynsnya aymnnyT ans~ rs n"y tso nyasB 1st jyjin ,ymyan 'Tyiiy’p pa a”x nyay ps ;yaipya -pis rs nyalyn .ppBNixp •bps inyrya m jyasn mo lys b'd .s"d ps jyrs ytympsTStans yacny n ps jynya "SB yTa^aya ytyms s dsii b’d pis Inity s d’d nlnp ytyDPSTStans ynms s jylyaty aayasBya asn ansaty m Dtjtn pis firs aasn yayas P’s a’o tyansP in iyrslya ,BTya h pyaaytyya yayn ps jyviya mlxo m nsn asa pyalsa&yas npiv ytyms yls ins ps nptv lya lynsnya rs Dy ,(ian’ ja) maa ps ps .mans ps fyDPsnya asn ansaty yaaylty yay ps .min main s ,lmty yoma yn s aynaya ins asn jyo pyalsatyas yls a’o Is-ty ns air ps D’l naya jyi’s tsb yalm BTynssya ins in asn lya^x ,D'3iao yaDya ps yaDanyty n jib lynya ppDKixp 'did ps 'id jyam ,trx pa nnan Tama yapmya n ly’B tya^snya in s ,aayn yayas a’o .a^naymaix a’o anayaty .D1? naya a*a eaya^xyaons anayaty 7',p’2S*TXp 'DTa in asn fyasr yaia ’niv n o’o apn n ?y’a ,aD”a jynrs ps TyTa’p fynmy a’o 71s nnw a*a taann’a rnn th’s lyaanan y^s j’s rnn ym ’s ynas mtya s aTn^a .TyaasD ym s yana s ni ,aaypya -Inso t'Ttya t'nas is ,D”n Tya?s iyT ps m nnnaa ytyDPSTS^TS ytrn’s y^s ps iyas lynya nya’s rs ya?yn ,rnn ps t^bkikp 'dtb ”3 jyasTpyj jyo asn a^x •DyT TSB jyty’T’s ps pyTan yin’s jyrpvTy div ,iia’n lym’s mx lyayaiya^s jynya rs n an mm main pm isj rs'o jyn .lynya i^aya rs Dy P’ani ’n jyaTyl ps ,aD’n p^s ps aospya asn oy Tya a^nsvya ps pypny? aymns aanya n asn tynyai aia Dma pity jya’n nyna’p h rs ax’s i ^bs .aastyaayp nn^s isj ’n a’e aayny^ya tyanyp m n an mm Tia^n s sn ns Dy rs ax’s .isipn^s n an yaiyr dst n ?ypn«s is nyin’s rs m s nn’s rs onna .ixnyn nynny? ayims is^ aaan ps ansn insaya jyasn ”t m npnx ya^yr h ps ,p^an ps asa y?s aaynsn ,tyny?SP aanayya ,D"nn TiTxa nnnx inatya 'mn .ana pn is^ ins ax's n aia ,iyay^> pn tsb yn^a .nns’ van yaas7> tyaya asa 1st nn’s ps SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS it o 0o o o0 o 0o o 0o on o 0o o 0o November 27, 1939
pTjr i This Book Of Remembrance gives a glimpse of the life of Mrs. Bella Karotkin and of her late husband Max Karotkin. At age 15, Bella Karotkin came to San Antonio with her mother. Her father was murdered in a Kiev pogrom. She later married Max Karotkin who also came from around Kiev. They were some of the first orthodox Jews in San Antonio. The Karotkins were instrumental in organizing the Jewish community - built the first orthodox synagogue, established charitable organizations. As the city grew and more Jews came to San Antonio the newcomers needed help. Later a Talmud Torah and larger synagogue was built. The Karotkins donated generously. They also financially helped their friends in Europe and subsidized the establishment of Jewish settlements in Palestine. Mrs. Karotkin took pride in her kosher household and in giving the children a orthodox education. Their door was always open everybody. She was determined to uphold the Jewish traditional teaching to her children - at the time there was no Talmud Torah she found private tutors for them. Now that the children are grown, she does the same with her grand- chilren. Mrs. Karotkin finds the greatest pleasure in the fact, that her college graduated children attend daily prayers. She continues to support the charities that she and her late husband subscribed to. God should grant her long life. San Antonio September 27, 1939
i-5# ‘p t y * nDKi ‘ion 4 » r (EJbis a $ £ 3s (£ u it r ^ xttt BERNARD <$)tt (HIt£ ^ a g ® f s ^ a % jE f i 2 it a It October the Eighth Nineteen Thirty Nine Eighth Day of Tishre - 5700 San Antonio, Texas °t©i W It is with joy and feelings of great satisfaction that we inscribe the name of our beloved son B E R N A R D on this page of the Book of Reminiscenes of the Hebrew Free Loan Association. May this contribution be to him a great inspiration that he may in the future partake in the work of this worthy organization and help to further its good cause. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lifshutz
nDKi ion 4*3 ON THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION, ARE INSCRIBED THE NAMES OF MR. AND MRS. JUicdaet JVlitg,%atn PIONEERS OF THIS JEWISH COMMUNITY WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED GREATLY TO EVERY GOOD CAUSE AND HELPED MATERIALLY AND MORALLY IN THE UPBUILDING OF MANY WORTHY INSTITUTIONS. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Milgrom came to the United States in 1881 and have been residing in San Antonio close to a half century. They have raised a family of four daughters and have brought them up in Jewish spirit. Mr. Milgrom has always been an active member in this community and has taken a great interest in Jewish affairs. Mr. Milgrom was one of the Charter Members of the A g u d a s Achim Congregation. He served as president for eight years. He was also instrumental in forming the Beth Abraham Lodge, which was later named after his father, Moses Milgrom Lodge. in Mr. Milgrom took a great part forming the Hebrew School. He is a member for many years in the B'nai BYith Eda Lodge, the Zionist Organization and is a member of the Hebrew Free Loan Association. Mrs. Milgrom also took a great deal of interest in her early days in the Jewish Community and in many Jewish affairs. May the Almighty bless them for their good deeds and contributions and for their services which they have rendered to the Jewish Community of our city. NOVEMBER THE 29th 1939 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
‘p iy Vk nOKl 'IDH 4f*i M O T H E R Born in March 1865 Died at the Age of 57 March the 8th 1922 F A T H E R Born in March 1869 Died at the Age of 63 March the 3rd 1932 : ! This Page is dedicated to the Memory of our Beloved Parents ETHEL AND BEN SUPRUN I I The inscription of the names of our parents on this page is our tribute to perpetuate their memory in the Pooh of Reminiscenced of the pebreto Jftee Hoan Association TO WHICH OUR FATHER BELONGED AND HELPED THE CAUSE OF GMILUS CHASODIM Passie Gershowitz Sarah Polakoff ---------- O---------- MAY THEIR SOULS BE BLESSED Mrs. Fania Rosenberg Joe Suprun Abe Suprun DECEMBER THE 3rd 1939 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
^ “pty" Vk moki "ton 4*! THIS PAGE :- OF THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION IS DEDICATED IN MEMORY OF AARON and SARAH TRODLIER BY THEIR CHILDREN Mr. and Mrs. N. Trodlier Ida Muravin and Rose Charles FATH ER Born 1845 Died September 19th 1920 © MOTHER Born 1867 Died November 16th 1937 DECEMBER 25, 1939 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
Of The Book Of Reminiscences Of The Hebrew Free Loan Association £euii& W,e>cfrtie>c BYTHEIRSONS frtatifi and Olhitip November The 16th 1939 SAN ANTONIO TEXAS
®fje Houng people’s league of Congregation Hgubaes &cfnm <0rgani?eb in tJje pear nineteen fjunbreb anb tfjirtp one, for tfjc purpose of pro= moting tfje cultural, foetal, anb pfjpstcaf bebelopment of tfje |fetotsif) poung men anb hjomen of tfje Citp of ls>an Antonio. ORIGINAL OFFICERS Rabbi Abraham Dubin Organizer and Original Sponsor MYRON FINK President ISRAEL DODIC Cultural Vice President HELEN TOBIAS Social Vice President ROSE GREENFIELD Secretary JACK ALTER Treasurer PAST PRESIDENTS Rabbi and Mrs. David Tamarkin Present Sponsors MYRON FINK ISRAEL DODIC HELEN TOBIAS BERTYE JACOBS JAKE RATNER FORREST BENNETT JAY SAM LEVEY SHELDON VEXLER NORMAN DAVIS JANUARY 22, 1939
"pty" Vk riDXi "ion 4^- <j*'— — A DEDICATION TO A PIONEER OF OUR COMMUNITY i MRS. A. ALTERMAN THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION IS DEDICATED IN MERMORY OF ABRAHAM DAVID ALTERMAN BY HIS WIFE EDITH ROSE & Mr. Abraham D. Al+erman was one of the pioneers of our Jewish Community. During the forty years of his life in our midst he was active in Jewish affairs and has taken a great deal of interest in the upbuilding of our institutions. Mr. Alterman was one of the first members of Congregation Agudas Achim, and he contributed liberally towards its maintenance. He belonged to many other charitable organizations and gave aid to every worthy cause. To perpetuate his memory Mrs. A. Alterman has dedicated this page of the Sefer Hazicoron to inscribe the name and good deeds of her husband, Abraham David, who passed to the world beyond November 6, 1924. January 16, 1940 MAY HIS SOUL BE BLESSED San Antonio, Texas
DEDICATED IN MEMORY OF M R . OSCAR BERMAN BY HIS SONS WILLIAM and JACK §\ $ 'msss^ xJJanuary 21, 1940 San Antonio, Texas
*$ ► ‘p t y * Vk nDKi ^on 4*3 DW1 V DW Sffijt m01TIJDplKT3 DW10 INDpD'li On this page of the Book of Reminiscences of the Hebrew Free Loan Association are inscribed the good deeds and the worthy accomplishments of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brisk- man. Mr. and Mrs. Briskman came to San Antonio in 1914 and made their home here. Since they have established themselves in this city, they have always taken a pert in the upbuilding of this Jewish community. They have contributed and are now aiding every good Jewish cause. Mr. and Mrs. Briskman are giving charity with cn open hand. They uphold the Jewish traditions and a Jewish spirit prevails in their home. They brought up their two daughters, Gertrude end Hellen, in a Jewish spirit. Mr. and Mrs. Briskman belong to several Jewish organizations, they are members of Cong. Agudas Achim Bnai Brith Lodge, Hebrew Free Loan Ass'n and other worthy organizations. They truly deserve that their names be inscribed in this Sefer Hazicoron, Bock of Reminiscences. 24th day of September, 1940 h jyanpxa tnjm pnatn red pc ox?a ;ypn spix tyyojyo ytripnw h pc tyuixiocux ymt? px nno you mo ’-no yonynyj pn px jxopDna Tuapy^x i"c m •to5t p" 2 y-tfyr N’JXDJX jxb P'P tyoipyj jyjyt jxopanc mo px no p’c -pr jyaxn px tya^xnyj ’u oxn ot*j fix 1914 px ” » ontjioty px ip iypiu o’u .o^cixy: spnx px jyjjiDyjpyoJix yty-px ypx px ^ 'ddjx jyouva y-ma .x’jXDJx jxb pc Dy’xitroarx ytr-rx h jy-pha fysf’tjtnyj rx ay ntp 1 x11 jycu px nmns tc npnx nj/o’x jyau ”T iix nyf’tp-px p|'ix -pr tyin’c ,ms’ bus naaa ro’U .pin ye”-px ymty x jjnrra ”iiv ynrn lynmy jyntjin jxopona mo px io ivjyr ”t .od”: tyty-rx px p^yn px nno-'u nyoayo snjnax pc px ixty’jyujxp D’nx mux pc aiyaoyo px nna ua tic nyaoyo x px jxopDna no .ay'xxpjxnx ybx iv o:jx?xa txopD’ia mo .dhdr ni^oa man pc px nyo’x osbyn p,x ay’vxpjxnx jyma yem’x .B”5xnyoxo fyancHxa jyf^t jyoyj jny’n Dtp “pfnyn fyr-nxa nmx -pa’ 'm .a-ian ni^oa pnatn nco ay-t px jyiyii .DiPcr an? bspi D’o’ nanxai nvi’tyya .■oDcpuia ,x'iKiaiH \xu ,uvt\ tvus bMx tsnui bis ‘a cv SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
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